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Reguli forum

Pentru a evita stergerea contului odata cu botii de spam, este obligatorie postarea a minim unui mesaj dupa inregistrarea pe forum.

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Autor Mesaj
MesajScris: 19 Apr 2008, 02:16 
Site Admin
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Membru din: 28 Mai 2006, 17:58
Mesaje: 1990

Thank you for being here on ceasornicar.ro board.

1. These rules are quite basic, without many restrictions. Communications between users is encouraged. Still, the first disrepsect for the rules is sanctioned with a warning, the second one will give you banned or account deleted in extreme cases.

2. Do not curse, do not speak about sexual orientation of another user. Do not speak with pornographic or obscene content. Racism is also forbidden.

3. You are not allowed to post spams or advertisment. If you have proposals for ads, please contact the owner Mr. Claudiu Burlan.

4. Respect the authority of the Admins & Mods. If you are uncertain of something please send a private message to an Admin or Mod.

5. Claudiu (the watchmaker) is a busy person. Sometime it may take a while to get an answer. Maybe one or two days. Could be more if he's out of the city for a number of days.

6. You can post pictures (with the help of external hosting, photobucket for example) with your personal watches or clocks. But they can't be more than 1024x1024 pixels. If your images are larger please post only links or thumbnails.

7. The avatars can't have more than 100x100 pixels.

8. These rules can suffer changes. The users will be informed if this happens.

9. Writing with capital letters is forbidden. They are allowed only when using initials.

10. This board is growing every day. You are strongly advised to use the search function before asking a question. Someone may asked the same thing before.
Also it shows respect for the owner and for the users, to not be need to answer to the same question over and over again.

11. You are not allowed to have more than one account per IP.

12. The "Buy and Sell" area has it own regulation. Post on that area only if you read and agreed with those rules.

13. Please don't use the Internet Slang. IRC language or different tipes of abbreviations like (IMHO, ROFL, n00b, gr8, etc.) Show some respect for the language you speak.

Thank you,

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